Build a Healthy Foundation with Meal Planning

Build a Healthy Foundation with Meal Planning

Guest post by Alexa Guelig Start the new year by kick starting new kitchen habits. With our everyday bustling lives and these unprecedented times that have thrown our schedules completely off, our food choices can often be put on the back burner. Meal planning is an...
We Wish You a Happy New Year!

We Wish You a Happy New Year!

I’m hard pressed to find a photo like the one above that truly represents my feelings and emotions in 2020. I spent a lot of time pretending everything was OK, doing my best to take one day at a time, trying to adjust to the new normal. Like most of you, I...
Worth Your Salt

Worth Your Salt

I recently divulged on social media that my blood pressure (BP) had been consistently quite high, to the point where I thought I’d either soon be hospitalized or have to start taking meds. While I’m not opposed to conventional pharmaceutical methods to...

Think Outside the Cereal Box

When it comes to the first meal of the day, it seems the easiest go-to food, especially if you’ve inadvertently smacked the snooze button one too many times, is cereal or a muffin…unless you’re one of those people who skips breakfast altogether (in...

Ding! Dong! Dieting Is Dead

The field of dietetics is either getting trickier or simpler by the minute, depending on how you look at it. The profession itself includes the word “diet,” but many Registered Dietitians are trying to promote overall health versus a focus on the number on...