‘Tis the Season

The DishWithDina crew is taking a break to enjoy the holidays, be with friends & family, and gear up for all the fun, fab things coming in 2018. We will be back on January 3 with new blog posts, online promotions and webinars (both free and fee-based),...
The Chicken and the Egg

The Chicken and the Egg

We just wrapped up National Women’s Health Week and it got me thinking, being a national woman and all, how most of my clients and classmates––females in their 20s and 30s––are just now developing their identities, getting their first...
Lead the Way to a Healthy Office Culture

Lead the Way to a Healthy Office Culture

Sometimes it seems we spend all of our time at work, and our eating habits are influenced very much by our office environment––from the tempting vending machines to the cool new lunch spot around the block to the boss buying bagels with cream...

Every Kid Healthy

The percentage of children with obesity nationwide has more than tripled since the 1970s1. The current average diet for the majority of nationwide kids consists of chips, candy, and soda, along with a not-so-nutritious school lunch and frequent fast food dinners....
Calcium: Getting to the Bones of It

Calcium: Getting to the Bones of It

From whole foods to fortified products to vitamin supplements, calcium is an essential nutrient throughout every life stage, but it’s not just for healthy teeth and bones (even though 99% of it is stored there). This multi-functional mineral is an unsung hero when...