Crock Pot: Fifth Installment

I organize an in-house book club at my company and it’s pretty neat, if I do say so myself. In a little over a year-and-a-half, we’ve gone from a four-person quiet discussion to a 20-person roundtable which, at our last two meetings, included authors...

Do you Dijon?

Welcome, class, to today’s Fresh Pick: DIJON MUSTARDHailing originally from Dijon [dee-ZHOHN], France, this pale, grayish-yellow mustard is known for its clean, sharp flavor, which can range from mild to hot. Dijon mustard is made from brown or black mustard...


Ain’t nothing better after spending entirely too many unpaid hours on a Sunday at work than ordering the Coco Shrimp Plato at Boca Chica, located at 1st Ave & 1st St (aka “the nexus of the universe”). A yummy bonus is the plate of free plaintain...

Simply delicious: Part 3

Since I’ve been living off these things for nearly two weeks now (and am still in the process of uploading pics from Italy to my computer), I’ve been inspired to post an article about them from Real Simple. Hope you likey:Best Energy Bars: Somewhere...

Nuts over nutmeg!

Welcome, class, to today’s Fresh Pick: NUTMEGWhen Columbus sailed from Spain looking for the East Indies, nutmeg was one of the spices for which he was searching. Native to the Spice Islands, this seed from the nutmeg tree (a tropical evergreen) was extremely...