by Dina R. D'Alessandro, RDN | Jul 8, 2008
Our air conditioner just kicked on and the initial burst of cool air smelled like bologna. Is that weird?
by Dina R. D'Alessandro, RDN | Jun 21, 2008
It’s time for ice cream and who better to dish up some great recipes than Real Simple?Make-Your-Own Ice Cream Recipes: Put your ice cream maker to good use with these tasty concoctions.Ice Cream Cone Cupcakes: You can have your cake and eat its holder,...
by Dina R. D'Alessandro, RDN | May 23, 2008
An open letter to any one of the three drunken college boys sitting next to me on the PATH train this evening:You’re a tool.Love, Dina
by Dina R. D'Alessandro, RDN | Apr 26, 2008
Welcome, class, to today’s Fresh Pick: LEMONSThroughout the eons, lemons have been used for a multitude of nonculinary purposes—as an epilepsy remedy, a toothpaste, an invisible ink and a bleaching agent as well as in witchcraft. Though it originated in...
by Dina R. D'Alessandro, RDN | Apr 25, 2008
I hosted another brunch in NJ on Saturday and eleven of my very wonderful friends and family members showed up. We all met at High SocieTea House in Wayne, which is located right off Rt. 23 South, and is a quaint establishment that can, surprisingly, hold a large...