The Focus on Men’s Health

by | Jun 23, 2021

Guest post by Hema Cherukooru

Every June, Men’s Health Week (usually the week leading up to and including Father’s Day) focuses on highlighting awareness of preventable health problems and encourages early detection and treatment of disease among boys and men. This week provides an opportunity for providers, the media, public policy makers, and individuals to encourage boys and men to get regular medical advice and early treatment for injury and disease. According to the CDC, in the US men on average die five years earlier than women, and the three leading causes of death are: heart disease, cancer and unintentional injuries.

The percent of men aged 20 and over, who are obese is about 40.5% as per statistics in the years 2015 to 2018 from CDC. Obesity is linked to heart disease, high cholesterol, heart failure, heart attack, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and many other health risks. Maintaining a healthy waist of below 40 inches is helpful in reducing the above risks. Shedding belly fat can be achieved by cutting calories and exercising more for most men. 

Heart disease is the number one cause of death in men, it would be good to include heart healthy foods like fresh vegetable and fruits, whole grains (such as whole grain breads and brown rice), fiber-rich foods (such as leafy greens and beans), lean meat (such as skinless chicken breast and lean ground beef), and fish (such as salmon). Reduce the intake of processed and packaged foods high in sugar, salt, unhealthy fats, artificial additives and calories. 

Increase physical activity by including every week a regular exercise routine of at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise or 75 minutes vigorous aerobic exercise. Include muscle strengthening activity twice a week. Regular exercise helps prevent heart disease, maintain a healthy weight, and improve physical and mental well-being. 

Consulting the doctor is an important preventive measure. Regular check-ups would help catch small problems before they manifest themselves into bigger problems. It also helps to monitor blood pressure, weight, cholesterol in the blood and other factors by the doctor. This would help to detect any potential risks, medication and lifestyle changes may be recommended by the doctor.

According to CDC, about 15.3% of men aged 18 and over smoke, and about 30.9% aged 18 and up drink 5 or more drinks in one day, at least once in the past year (2018). Smoking causes cancer, stroke, heart disease and are at a greater risk for erectile dysfunction. Smoking and second-hand smoking increases risk of many types of cancer. Consumption of excessive alcohol and other recreational or habitual drug are other health-damaging behaviors. Some men use anabolic steroids to increase muscle mass and can lead to serious health consequences. It is important to seek the help of a doctor to break any unhealthy habits. 

Melanoma is a skin cancer, the risk increases in men over 50 years and higher among Caucasians. Some of the precautions when outside would include: spending time in shade, use of sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher, reapplying sunscreen in case of sweating or swimming once in every 2 hours, and wearing protective clothing. Avoid tanning beds as they are a harmful source of UV radiation. 

Most common cancer diagnosis among American men over the age 50 is prostate cancer followed by colorectal cancer. Prostate cancer is associated with signs of trouble urinating, developing pain when urinating, or the presence of blood in urine. Blood tests, prostate exam, and colonoscopy may be recommended, please consult a doctor for further information.

Dietary supplements and other natural products are promoted to address men’s health issue, however there is no scientific evidence on the effectiveness and safety of these supplements. 

Finally, seek a mental health professional in case help is needed. Mental health is as important as any other health problems.

Men’s health month is created to bring awareness and practice healthy habits in boys and men. Men are less likely to seek medical attention than women and more likely to smoke, drink too much alcohol, and make risky and unhealthy choices. Dedicating June to men’s health helps to focus on health problems and barriers and how to overcome them. Healthy eating, exercise, and consulting a doctor can help with achieving good health status.

Take charge of your health! Wear blue in June to support your dad, brother, spouse, boyfriend, friend, or boss to show that you care and support them. And visit the resources/sites listed below for further information.

Image credit: Men’s Health Network

Hema Cherukooru is a dietetics student at the University of Northern Colorado pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Dietetics.


  1. (5/29/2020). Minority health. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from’s%20Health%20Month,as%20exercising%20and%20eating%20healthy.
  2. (April 14, 2021). Men’s Health. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from
  3. (October 15, 2020). Take Action: Healthy habits. Retrieved May 10, 2021, from
  4. (December 2, 2016). What do you want to know about Men’s Health? Retrieved May 10, 2021 from
  5. National Men’s Health Month. Retrieved May 11, 2021, from
  6. Men’s Health network (n.d.). Wear Blue. Retrieved May 12 , 2021, from
  7. Men’s health month (n.d.). Men’s health week. Retrieved May 14, 2021 from


I’m Dina R. D’Alessandro, MS, RDN, CDN. I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in New York City, and I provide nutrition counseling to women.

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