
You know what? Today, my hair looked awesome despite the 65% humidity, I was incredibly productive at work, and I just blasted through four hours of solidly entertaining shows on DVR.It’s not often everything lines up like this for me, so I wanted to be sure it...

An International Feast

Today was the conclusion of PEN World Voices (The New York Festival of International Literature) and I was fortunate to have attended two supremely fantastic events that, I realized afterward, were somewhat related in theme. I also realized that I had spent a good...

So fresh and so clean.

Happy Earth Day, everyone! Go out and hug a tree, make out with a flower, and be generally kind to this planet. And if you can keep that going every day, that would be mighty swell of you. Please also check out the fab Eco Options page from Home Depot who is giving...


If you’re a regular reader (hi, Mags, Joon, and Maiden), then you’ve noticed I’ve outed myself. Yes, I know there are crazies on the Internet (heck, the bf and I met online, for crying out loud, so don’t tell me I don’t know from crazy),...