GIVEAWAY: Dailygreatness Training Journal

by | Dec 5, 2016

Last week, I wrote about my Attitude of Gratitude and did my first in a series of giveaways inspired by my experience of reinventing my career—and myself in the process.

I believe that reinvention means always striving to be a better version of oneself, not just stopping once a goal has been met. The past few years of being both back in school and in my dietetic internship have really done a number on my health and well-being, which is ironic since all I’ve been doing since 2013 is pursuing a career in the health and wellness fields. Not only do I want to lead by example for my clients and practice what I preach, but, as I reach my 50th year on this planet, I want to be sure I enter it with a fit mind, body, and soul.

On that note, one of my next goals—which some of you might have already seen hash-tagged on my social media accounts as “fitby50″—is to undo a lot of the damage I’ve done since I stopped working full-time and started going back to school. In a way, I think this experience has helped me become more empathetic to my clients who have had their own health and fitness challenges. It’s easy to think that saying, “just do it” can motivate someone into changing a behavior, but that’s not always the case when you have an unrealistic workload, don’t know how you’re going to fit one more thing into your already jam-packed schedule, are perpetually exhausted, and no longer have the mental acuity to care about anything more than just making it to the next day without punching a baby in the face or wanting to stepping into oncoming traffic (as told to me by a friend).

As much as love my high-tech tools, I’ve decided to return to paper planners and journals recently. There’s just something about scribbling on a page (and adorning it with colorful sticky notes) that makes me giddy versus typing furiously with both thumbs onto a blank screen.


I came across the Dailygreatness journals through some random (or not so random, if you believe in the power of the universe…hmmm) online promotions and decided to order a bunch of different copies to check them out. I’ve used paper planners before, but have always thought they could be so much better if they combined a journal component, maybe threw in some motivational quotes, pretty pictures, colorful pages, etc. When I opened my Dailygreatness order, I squealed in delight because it does just that.

For this round, I’ll be giving away one copy of the Dailygreatness Training Journal (to U.S. residents only for now). From the product page:

The daily pages will guide you to create healthy habits through the 8 daily steps of training, diet & food journaling , meditation, gratitude, intentions, stretching, health tips and self-awareness. The weekly and monthly check-ins keep you committed, accountable and motivated. With a 12-week review to celebrate your progress, each stage lays the foundation for achieving your health & fitness goals, reaching your potential and creating a rocking fit body, mind and spirit.

If you’re interested in snagging this FREE copy (valued at $39.95 on the Dailygreatness site), please leave a comment below or e-mail me (click on “Contact” page for address) by 10pm ET Wed, 12/7/16 with the following:

  1. Your health & fitness goals for 2017.
  2. How you will “pay it forward” when you meet your goals (this could be in time, energy, or money).

Recipient will be selected at random and announced on Fri, 12/9/16. Best wishes and keep daring to be great!

Note/disclaimer: This is not an ad. All giveaways are new items I’ve purchased with my own funds and want to give away in hopes of passing along encouragement and positivity to others. I ask for nothing in return (though, if you wanted to follow my blog, Twitter, or IG accounts, or forward this post along to others, that would be rad). In doing this giveaway, I acknowledge a complete release of Dailygreatness, Rocking Fit, and WordPress by each entrant or participant and that this is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Dailygreatness, Rocking Fit, and/or WordPress.

1 Comment

  1. DishWithDina

    Congrats to Emilie S. from Louisville, KY for snagging this. Enjoy!

I’m Dina R. D’Alessandro, MS, RDN, CDN. I am a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist based in New York City, and I provide nutrition counseling to women.

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