
I am completely obsessed with this song. So much so that I think I really need a support group, so please take a look/listen and let’s meet on the third Thursday of every month to discuss, okay? The band is Mute Math. The song is “Typical.” And I...


I’m as giddy as a school girl who found out her secret crush was asking her to the prom. I just purchased tickets to some of the events at this year’s PEN World Voices (The New York Festival of International Literature) taking place all over the city at...

Sunny side up.

I know you were all worried about me since my last post, but I’m feeling much better. The past couple of days have been quite lovely, possibly due to the break in the cold weather, but most likely due to my newfound sunny disposition. I’ve been going about...

Italian dish

È stato una settimana lunga e dura e completamente sono esaurito. Temo che il mio cervello fuoriuscirà dai miei occhi, orecchi, o in qualche luogo altro lontano, ben più difettoso (come il mio gomito). Preghi per me, la gente, come provo a godere la mia fine...


Somebody, please save me. Every four months, we have to prep for our seasonal sales meetings and I end up putting in so many hours at work I might as well blow up an air mattress and crash there for the night because, by the time I come back to my apartment,...