The Blog

Taming the Flame: A Dietitian’s Guide to Reducing Chronic Inflammation

Learn practical tips from a registered dietitian on reducing chronic inflammation through nutrition. Understand the connection between food and inflammation to improve your mental and physical health. Our body naturally wants to protect us and be in a constant state...

The Importance of Proper Nutrition for Every Fitness Level

Celebrate National Physical Fitness & Sports Month, whether you're a beginner or a seasoned pro. Discover the importance of physical activity, learn about sports nutrition, and get tips to stay active and healthy. May is National Physical Fitness and Sports Month,...

Social Connections for Mental Health: Nurturing Relationships with Yourself and Others

Discover how social connections play a crucial role in mental health. Learn tips for fostering these relationships for better well-being. Mental health awareness has gained significant traction in recent years, and rightly so. With increasing awareness comes the...

Open Wide

After months of migrating, fiddling, uploading, revising, sweating, pulling all-nighters, and collaborating with some of the most awesome people on the planet (Marc and Shilpa, I am talking to you), the DishWithDina brand is official! That said, this site is a work in...

Gone fishin’

...not really, but I am going to be unplugged for a bit, mostly due to an intense summer school schedule. I am very much looking forward to getting back to blogging as soon as I get my life back, probably sometime in August...of 2014. Have a fantastic summer,...

Meat, meet un-meat.

One of my favorite vegan spots, Peacefood Café, has recently opened in the East Village/Union Square area and I am thrilled! There are so many creative savory and sweet options to choose from there, mostly made with meat substitutes like tempeh and seitan,...

Freshly washed.

Every year—or, sometimes, multiple times a year—I give my body a little break from processed foods, sugar-laden treats, and general overindulgences. My favorite recipes to follow for the past few years have come from the 21-day "Whole Living Action Plan." Being a...

Splurge alert: VYNL

A couple of weeks ago, the bf and I got together with some super fly1 friends (SFF) for dinner at Vynl in Hell's Kitchen. It's such a cool and kitschy place and, after having only ever been there once before eons ago, I went back not 6 months before my SFF dinner...

Quasi-recipe: That’s bananas.

I'm trying my darnedest to chill out with the overconsumption of sweets these days for so many reasons, one of which that, now that I'm unemployed, I don't have money to buy pants the next size up. Enter: homemade banana "ice cream." I like mixing up the add-ins and...