The Blog
I didn't feel well yesterday, so I called out of work and slept from 7:00 am to 1:15 pm. I eventually felt better after feeding myself and watching a movie, but I had the worst night's sleep last night, probably because of all the sleeping during the day. That's just...
Eat, read, and be happy.
My first book club meeting with the gals.Our book: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer.Our restaurant: 2nd Ave Deli, or, as I like to call it, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Expensive.UPDATE: While I wasn't exactly a fan, sadly, for the rest of...
Crock Pot: Eighth Installment (The Celebration Edition)
Marc made reservations for our 64th monthiversary last month at Amalia, an 8,000 square foot, bi-level restaurant and lounge which serves "an inventive American cuisine with a Mediterranean flair." The décor in Amalia is modeled after the ornate Baroque style, but...
Fried potatoes
Dear D.S.,Thank you for contacting me back in April on As you can see, I still have yet to open and read your e-mail. If you think I haven't gotten around to it because I'm super busy, you're mistaken. I am blatantly ignoring it because I still resent...
Musical fruit
On Thursday evening, T and I went to the Verizon Presents Two Nights of Soul performance at Radio City Music Hall which featured Robin Thicke and Chaka Khan opening up for Jill Scott, the Grammy Award-winning singer and songwriter best known for her jazz, rhythm and...
On Tuesday, I Windexed my shirt thinking it was Febreze. This morning, I stepped into the shower with my glasses on. Pray tell, is this the onset of senility or am I merely comic relief for Marc? If the latter, I need to come up with some new material.